Beach 116:
Stories from a Rockaway Street
Located on the seaside outskirts of New York City,
Beach 116 is a key commercial street on the Rockaway peninsula, perched between the Atlantic Ocean and Jamaica Bay. This two-block-long business strip is home to a cast of restaurateurs, store owners, environmentalists, hometown locals and Manhattan transplants. Their stories highlight not only the beauty of the beaches and bay, but also the challenges of economic, environmental, and health precarity to the street itself and those who count on it. By presenting a range in points of view, the film seeks to further conversation about these common issues widely at stake today.

Lucky Find Productions Presents
In Association with Passing Planes Productions
"Beach 116: Stories from a Rockaway Street"
Runtime: 43 minutes
Directed by Lee Quinby
Co-Produced by Lee Quinby and Daniel Scarpati
Filmed by Daniel Scarpati
Edited by Jules David Bartkowski
© 2023